Distribution / Retail

We understand that each company and industry is unique, that is why we do not use pre-designed solutions. At Sobek Logistica, each and every one of our solutions is completely custom-designed according to your individual requirements.

Contact Us

With our Operational Model designed to suit the Distribution or Retail sector you will achieve

High productivity
Low initial investment costs (modularity and scalability)
Flexibility (construction area, building height, levels…)

With Sobek your company will achieve:

Raising flows within the distribution center
Raise the number of pallets in the distribution center
New opportunities with operational excellency
Expand your market with more quantity of the product
Optimize the use of human resources
Reduce delivery time
Improve customer service

Our Work In Digits


Years Of Experience




Different Countries



 Your Partner in Design and Integration of Logistics Solutions 


We design and integrate solutions for distribution centers. Our motto “Operational Excellency” offers scalable solutions: Automatics, semi-automatics and manuals.
Bldg. Santa María Office Plex 71
7th Floor, Office 703
Santa María Business District
Panama City,
Republic of Panama
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